Current Exchange Transfer List
Many people leave the Department or get a transfer without notifying MCO to remove their name from the list. Clearing the list once a year means the list is more useful and effective.
Please note:
• If you see someone on the list who you would like to trade with, you can call them at their facility to discuss a trade. MCO only maintains this list for officers' convenience.
• When officers ask to be added to the list, their names are placed at the top. This means the location of your name on the list will change. Please download and search for your name in the list before resubmitting your request.
• This DOM explains Exchange Transfers and other transfers between worksites. It will answer many of your questions about transfers.
• All transfer requests must be submitted in writing and must be approved by both institutions’ wardens.
• Please send an email to when your name no longer needs to be on the list.