Corrections officers are professionals, and a such, we should strive to stay up-to-date in our field. Here are some tips from CorrectionsOne for making sure your corrections skills and knowledge […]
Over the last three years, MCO has led a crusade within the State of Michigan to educate the public and legislature about the pervasiveness of Post -Traumatic Stress within the Department […]
MCO is switching to a new mass email system. This change was announced in March; however the transition date was postponed to June 30. All links in emails from MCO […]
MCO continues to work tirelessly to spread awareness of corrections PTSD. We recently worked with Michigan Radio, a public radio station that broadcasts around the state, on a story about the […]
Please note that the MCO central office no longer has an 800 telephone or fax number. Our office phone number is (517)485-3310. In case of an emergency after hours, members […]