At 1854 hours, Prisoner A (2-148-A) exited the Unit 2-day room and assaulted CO A with a hobbycraft scissors in the face area. Prisoner A did not have a hobby […]
At 0904 hours while G-Block (Level V GP) yard was coming in, prisoner A, G-11, approached the Officer’s Desk where CO A was standing. Prisoner A was asking CO A […]
At 18:45 hours, prisoner A left his cell and walked down the B-Wing upper gallery to cell 2-247. Prisoner A entered cell 2-247 and began exchanging closed fist punches with […]
At approximately 1251 hours, C/O A released prisoner A from his cell for medication lines. Prisoner A approached C/O A from behind and began delivering multiple closed fist punches to […]
At 0802 hours, prisoner A, refused to leave base in RTP Housing Unit 5. Corrections Officer A and several other staff responded to the scene with ECD displayed. Prisoner A […]