Welcome, Tony Trierweiler class!
MCO overcomes new challenges with recruit sign up to maintain our high membership rate
We are proud to announce that 98 percent of recruits in the Tony Trierweiler class have decided to join MCO! Welcome, new recruits! We are glad you are here.
Over the past several weeks, MCO staff have been meeting the 200+ recruits, who are training at the old Kinross prison, the MSP training center near Lansing, and in Washtenaw County. Plus, there are 15 recruits training at the Forensic Center.
We make sure they know that:
- Front-line staff are corrections experts and that they deserve a seat at the table when corrections reform or other important decisions are being made that will affect their workplaces.
- MCO has a track record of working with Democrats, Republicans, and any other legislator who is willing to discuss our issues and take a stand for COs and FSAs.
- MCO isn’t your typical labor union and provides many services outside of the scope of the contract. We offer several college assistance programs, including free online community college, which is helpful to those who still need their 15 required hours for employment, or anyone else who wants to further their education.
Our process for enrolling new recruits was complicated when the Michigan Civil Service Commission made us stop using white membership cards at the beginning of this year. This was done as part of the rule changes that took effect in January. (Now, everyone who wants to join MCO must do so through the HRMN self-service portal or by calling the MI-HR Service Center at 877-766-6447.) We met this challenge head-on.
Joining MCO is now a two-step process. At the end of our presentation, we hand out tablets and recruits fill out an online form. This is their commitment to MCO that they will join and allows MCO to have their contact information if any issues arise during their training.
Next, when recruits call the MI-HR Service Center to start their state benefits like health care, they ask to authorize dues deduction EC01 to begin their membership. MCO staff are on hand to answer any questions about membership or benefits as recruits make the phone calls.
We are pleased that MCO has the highest rate of union membership among state employee unions. Thank you to our new and long-serving members for your continued support.