MCO Legislative Update – 1/10/2025

Members, Late yesterday afternoon the newly appointed Speaker of the House, Matt Hall (R- Richland), publicly announced that it was his decision to delay sending the pension bills (and several others) to the Governor for her signature. The Michigan Constitution clearly requires that all bills that are successfully passed by the House and Senate be sent to the Governor. There is not a specified timeline within which the passed bills must be sent to the Governor. The standard practice has been that passed bills are sent to the Governor within a week or two from when they are finalized in the Legislature. Hall states that he wants a legal review of the process. This delay DOES NOT mean that the bills in question are now nullified, it just means the process of getting them to the Governor has been delayed by the new Speaker of the House. This delay is obviously not the news we wanted to hear, but we are on top of it and will keep the updates coming as info becomes available. Later today, we will be sending out a communication to the entire membership that will contain a link to send letters to the Speaker of the House Matt Hall and your local legislators for the district you live in urging them to support the moving of these bills to the Governor. B. Osborn MCO President |