Please contact the Governor, your State Senators and your State Representatives. Elected Officials Lookup


1. Please share this post to flood Facebook all over the State of Michigan.

2. Please contact Governor Gretchen Whitmer by either calling (517)335-7858 or writing to her at P.O. Box 30013, Lansing, MI 48909

We ALL have to pull together to make a change. We can’t let this continue. This is far too important and lives are at stake.

Corrections Officers within the Michigan Department of Corrections NEED our support. This is a dangerous situation and nothing is being done to take essential steps to rectify it.

Our Corrections Officers are being mandated CONSTANTLY.

They are short-staffed continuously. They are TIRED. They are EXHAUSTED. No one is listening. Do the powers that be who can make a change and provide pensions and benefits that will attract more employees just turn a deaf ear? This is a desperate situation and deserves desperate measures. Being a corrections officer is already an extremely dangerous position and when you compile every day dangers with understaffing, exhausted staff, and the feeling of hopelessness that nobody’s listening, it is the making of a perfect horrible storm. We all understand that everyone in every career and every area of businesses is understaffed right now it seems. However, it is imperative that our corrections officers are afforded safety and healthy lives. We are not talking the occasional mandate to work 16 hours. We are talking continuously being mandated. Not only is this so unfair to them and their families, that is nothing compared to the danger they are being put in with these circumstances. Somebody has to do something to make a change come about. Whether it is to employ the National Guard to help out and give them a reprieve until things get more leveled out or provide pensions so that more people are interested in being hired. There are ways that this can be fixed, none of them easy, but dammit something has to be done. And NOW!

Most of us have empathy for those we see working in our local stores and can tell they are understaffed and overworked. It’s hard to watch. Consider the fact that not only are these corrections officers in that very same boat, but they are also in a very dangerous environment, in my opinion are underpaid, and they are not even given the luxury of a pension or a higher pay for incentives to bring new hires on. How can they even have HOPE?!

I am asking every single person who reads this to share it and to write or call our governor and state our concerns. Remember, it doesn’t only affect the corrections officers, it affects their families, and it certainly affects our communities. After all, we don’t want to be reading an entirely different kind of story in the news, if this doesn’t get fixed and soon.