6/13/24 MCO Reports – New email address for reports


We need to continue our push to make the governor, legislators and the media pay attention to the dangerous working conditions in the prisons. We want to send them monthly reports on what is going on, most importantly the staff assaults, disturbances, vacancy rates and mandatory overtime statistics.

Your local MCO reps are working to track and report this information,  but we need your help too. We have created a new reports@mco-seiu.org email address that you can use to send us notification of staff assaults, disturbances and mandatory overtime. The overtime info we want to track is the number of times you are mandated in a pay period and any 32 hour violations.

We want to keep these issues in front of the decision makers. Please send reports to reports@mco-seiu.org or enter it through the online submission form HERE (Report an Incident can be found under the “CONNECT” tab on the MCO website.)

B. Osborn

MCO President