Important Survey on MCO’s Officer Dignity Initiative
In 2016, MCO created the “officer dignity initiative” to hold inmates accountable for liquid assaults and sexual deviant behavior toward staff.
Working with the State Police, Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, and the MDOC, our goal was to improve the department’s reaction and investigation of these incidents, promote consistent prosecution, discuss new ways of protecting officers, and ensure signs were posted in every housing unit to draw attention to the legal ramifications of assaulting staff.
By most measures, our initiative has been a success. Over the past 18 months, multiple unions, corrections departments and jails across the country, have sought MCO’s advice on how to replicate our efforts and bring the officer dignity initiative to their respective states.
But we need your help. We want to know how this initiative has impacted you and your work environment and what changes you have seen as a result.
To do so, MCO has partnered with the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs to field a unique research study in order to determine what impact the officer dignity initiative has had and to analyze the responses of corrections professionals so other states and countries can learn from our efforts in Michigan.
As always, if we don’t do it, no one else will. Click here to access the survey now or copy and paste the link below.
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NTBVJSN